Parents are especially requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.
Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities when called for consultation and matters of common interest.
Parents should check the diary for any remarks and note the home work given in the classroom and see that home work is completed.
Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline on the part of their wards and by taking a daily interest in their children's progress.
Children get enough time at home to complete their home assignments, children attend school in prescribed dress and with the required books and other articles.
Parents may send useful comments and suggestions to either the principal or the wards's respective coordinators. Phone calls will be made by the co-ordinators to the parents every month to get feedback regarding their ward.
If by oversight children carry home any school property, parents are requested to return them on the next working day.
Parents can meet the respective class teacher regarding their child's progress after 4pm on every Friday.
When a child is sick, he/she is immediately given first aid. Parents are also intimated at the same time. If necessary, the student is taken to the Doctor for medical treatment.
Student suffering from any contagious or infectious disease shall not be allowed to attend school.
Parents are strictly instructed not to sent junk food as snacks. Vegetables should be sent every day. They are requested to follow the menu provided by the school.
Parents are strictly advised not to send chocolate or sweets for distribution on special occasions like birthdays. Instead they are requested to send healthy nutritious snacks. Parents are requested to donate a book to the school library on their child's birthday.
Students are requested to come in clean, well-ironed uniforms. Any child who is found to be shabbily dressed would be liable for punishment.